In the early days of mortgage broking, aggregators were created to benefit finance brokers by pooling their loan volumes and negotiating better loan commissions with lenders.
These days, that original purpose has morphed into something benefitting everyone but the finance broker. These big businesses are no longer team-spirited, treating their members merely as numbers.
What if you discovered an aggregator that works like a ‘co-operative’ for its broker members?
Imagine… if all income was disclosed to members. When the co-operative does well, the members do well. The more members it has, the greater the return for everyone.
Imagine… how much more motivated you would feel to succeed at the business in which you already so passionately operate.
Imagine… if every finance broker shared their great ideas with one another.
Imagine… the power of the collaboration between members.
Imagine… if by writing loans, you earned shares.
Now, imagine this co-operative aggregator already exists … Purple Circle Financial Services.
In fact, not only does Purple Circle exist, but last year Purple Circle grew its broker member numbers by a whopping 213%. The industry has been taking notice too, with the team being acknowledged with numerous industry accolades over the years!
Purple Circle is attracting brokers who have grown tired of being treated like a number and are ready to embrace a new breed of mortgage broking support.
Imagine how easy it would be to start making your hard work as a broker count for so much more.
What’s more, members don’t have to pay for their shares in the company. Do you see the potential now?
Think of it this way – how much of your current aggregator do you own? How much of it will you own in 12 months or 5 years from now?
Completely inclusive. Fully transparent.
You really should look at owning your piece of the ‘Purple Circle’.