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Broking group offers 100% LVR loans for professional borrowers

Green keys in palm of hand

In order to continue to provide its member network with innovative lending solutions and after detailed broker committee member collaboration, Purple Circle Financial Services has partnered with an exciting new lender.

As an broking group, it is essential we partner with innovative lenders who offer a wide range of products and services to suit the everchanging lending landscape and it is essential our broker members have a say with whom we partner. This further ensures our broker members are both equipped for diversity and engaged for market change” said Mr Frank Paratore – Purple Circle Financial Services COO.

Mr Paratore further added, “Lending isn’t a one-size-fits-all situation. Clients have different requirements depending on their circumstances, and we are providing our members with a diverse panel of lenders to assist with attending to those client different requirements. To specifically address issues with accessibility to the housing market, Purple Circle Financial Services welcomes Granite Home Loans to the panel”.

Granite Home Loans was established by Bridget Sakr and Craig MacKenzie, both with extensive and senior financial services backgrounds, to back people the banks aren’t serving to help keep the Australian dream of home ownership alive.

We are excited to partner with Purple Circle and be approved as a lender on their panel. Like Granite’s co-founders, Greg and the team have deep mortgage industry experience which they have leveraged to create true innovation in their business model, all for the benefit of the end consumer. They are also aligned with our approach of focussing on segments of the market that aren’t being served by the major banks”, said Ms Bridget Sakr – Director and Co-Founder.

Ms Sakr further went on to say, “Over 30 years of industry experience has taught us that the key barrier to achieving home ownership is saving a deposit. We also know there’s a large group of creditworthy, tertiary educated professionals that may not have saved a deposit, but based on job security and strong income can afford to repay a mortgage”.

In discussing Granite’s innovative solution in greater detail, Mr Craig MacKenzie – Director and Co-Founder says, “Granite Home Loans has created a unique and innovative solution that lends 100% of the property purchase price. Requiring no deposit, no parental guarantees and no low deposit fees or lenders mortgage insurance, our Granite Professional suite of Owner Occupied Home Loan solutions enables home ownership earlier by lending 90%-100% of the purchase price with no LMI by backing borrowers that have professional qualifications, strong earning potential and a steady job”, he also added, “Granite also has a unique suite of other loan solutions such as SMSF investment and Expatriate loans”.

Commenting on the new panel lender, Mr Greg Pennells – Purple Circle Financial Services Managing Director stated, “This innovative lender with expanded offering certainly enables our broker members to further bolster their relationship with not only their clients but also broader referral partnership groups.”

Corporate Contact:
Frank Paratore
Chief Operating Officer
Purple Circle Financial Services
1300 366 406

Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) Guarantee Scheme

The Scheme will enhance lenders’ willingness and ability to provide credit and will be available for new loans made by participating lenders until 30 September 2020.

The Government will provide eligible lenders with a guarantee of 50% per cent of new loans. Some generic terms are:

  • Businesses with a turnover of up to $50 million.

  • Maximum total size of loans of $250,000 per borrower.

  • Loans will be up to three years, with an initial six month repayment holiday.

  • Unsecured finance, meaning that borrowers will not have to provide an asset as security for the loan.

Reduced Interest Rates

Consider your current banking arrangements. The Reserve Bank has recently reduce the cash rate and lenders have passed this on to various loans they have.

Instant Asset Write Off

An increase in the instant asset write-off threshold from $30,000 to $150,000 30 June 2020.

Deferment of Loan Repayments for up to 6 Months

The banks are developing their own approach as to how to deal with requests from their clients for repayment holidays. Some are automatically granting the request, others are assessing the requests individually.